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Come Visit the Market

Since we opened in 2006, Wadena Flea Market has become the home to a number of vendors who sell unique products at great prices!  Our vendors have been with us for many years, and we are proud of the collaboration we’ve established.


Come take a tour of everything we have!  Need directions or other information?  Check out our FAQ page !


The Egg House  


Welcome to The Egg House!  Gather with your family and friends, enjoy a cup of coffee, a bakery item, and the best burger ever!  Food specials change every weekend and are … always, always yummy! When it was the “Old Wadena Hatchery,” this is where the gathered eggs were washed and shipped.  Hatchery workers like to come through to see the transformation and reminisce years ago. 


The Egg House is more than food!  There is also a toy store, garden decor, plants, tools, and houses for the birds!  And check this out: over the winter months, vendors Gary and Sharon travel throughout the country to restock their fine unique and upscale collections.  


      Building #1            


This building is a family run marketplace with a variety of interesting goods.   This store hosts an impressive mix, and we proudly promote some of the great things you can get here:  

  • Farm fresh eggs

  • Locally grown produce

  • Rocks!

  • Carnival glass

  • Tee shirts and sundresses

  • VHS movies

  • Old beer cans

  • Metal signs

  • Custom vinyl signage and decals

  • Small wheels

  • Small hardware


Building #2              


This was our first building to open in 2006!   Currently it has vendors who set up occasionally, and the occupancy changes from week to week.  Vendors are taking advantage of our location and foot traffic and holding their garage and estate sales at our market.  Building two has something different to offer for everyone!


Building #3             


 We have more vendors in this building than the others combined.  Vendors inside have been collecting and selling at flea markets and antique stores throughout the country for many, many years.   They are knowledgeable professionals who work tirelessly to offer you their wares for sale.  We are proud of their expertise and thankful to have such experience at our market.


You will find handcrafted Native American jewelry and art, handmade fishing tackle and handmade fish decoys.  We also have a consolidated craft supply area where we hold our “Gather and Create” craft workshops (watch for them – sign up for some fun!) 


"The Minnesota Soda Jerk" (aka Bruce, one of our vendors) has been collecting antique soda fountain fixtures for years.  His impressive collection is for sale at the Wadena Flea Market!


Create your stylish household or give your garden a makeover using treasures you'll find inside Building #3.


  • Comic books

  • Glassware

  • Military collectibles

  • Crock pots and other household items

  • Bottles

  • Advertising

  • Yarn

  • Garden decor

  • Really good stuff!




Wadena Flea and Craft Market

13560 US Highway 10, Wadena MN 56482

Phone: 218-640-1126 (Susan)

              218-640-1171 (Corey)

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Join us for some fun!       Open Weekends, Memorial Weekend through September.        Trinkets! ... Treasures! ... Trash!

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